

What is Kia Green Nitrofol LZB?


????Technical points about Fruitset (Nitrofol-LZB)????


????????Dear gardeners, whose concern is to increase the flowering and fruiting of the garden, can increase the productivity in their gardens by using Fruitset (Nitrofol-LZB).????????




????Fruitset (Nitrofol-LZB) is rich in three elements: nitrogen, boron and zinc, which prevents cold stress, flower and fruit drop during the bud and flower formation stage, and has a very positive effect on the growth of flower buds and increasing the conversion of flowers into fruits.????



????Spraying Fruitset (Nitrofol-LZB) fertilizer solution provides the necessary elements for the tree and the bud during the swelling phase of the buds. Therefore, the use of this fertilizer is one of the essentials of a nutritional program in gardens.????

