

The benefits of using Nitrofol LZB (Fruit Set Kiasbez)



???? Noteworthy, dear colleagues and farmers;

✔️Fruit set fertilizer containing zinc and boron

It is recommended to use fruit set fertilizer at two times:

1- Late March before flowering

2- Immediately after harvesting and before the leaves fall

???? The best time to use fruit is:

Immediately after harvesting and before the leaves fall. Since the primary organs of the flower inside the buds are formed in October, this stage is very sensitive and the presence of zinc, nitrogen and boron inside the buds strengthens and increases the amount of energy storage of the buds.

The swelling time of the buds, which happens in late March or early spring. Because there is a time difference between the activation of the roots and the aerial parts, the roots are not active or very little active when the buds have a high need for nutrients and cannot provide the nutrients to the buds at the right time. .

As a result, the activation of the buds is disturbed and the fertility rate and production of the product is greatly reduced.

Therefore, fruit set foliar spraying makes the food available to the buds quickly and at the right time, as a result, flower formation and pollination occur with high efficiency.


???? And in one word, it means:

▪️Improved pollination

▪️Increase flower inoculation

▪️Increased foliage growth at the beginning of the season

▪️Stimulating bud growth and increasing flower-to-fruit conversion

▪️Improve plant growth

▪️Prevent flowers and fruits from falling


???? Increasing the plant's resistance against environmental stresses and ultimately increasing the quantity and quality of the fruit set fertilizer product is compatible and can be mixed with most fertilizers and poisons, but it is recommended to perform a compatibility test before mixing with any combination.


⛔ Necessary precautions:

???? Avoid combining fruit set with fertilizers containing sulfur and mineral oils.

???? Do not apply foliar spray in hot weather under any circumstances.


✔️Contact our colleagues to place an order.????